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アクアマリン:人に対する優しい気持ちを導き、柔軟な心で自他を愛し、受け入れられるようにサポートするといわれています。 悲しみを抱える人をなぐさめてくれるパワーストーンとされ、気持ちがささくれだったり、人間関係のトラブルでストレスを感じたときに助けてくれるでしょう。

フロライト:頭脳を活性化させて集中力・記憶力・直感力を高める力があるといわれています。 勉強や仕事で疲れたときには、頭の疲労を解消して集中力を取り戻してくれます。




Crystal Properties: 

Aquamarine:stone of courage and preparedness and is believed to help maintain balance and order. Aquamarine is often used as a "good luck" stone, thought to bring feelings of peace, love, joy and happiness

Flourite: highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. It helps to focus and concentrate when first learning to meditate.

Clear Quartz: power stone that harmonizes and balances. It augments energy by absorbing, amplifying, and balancing, storing, retrieving, focusing, transmitting and channelling universal energy and is excellent for unblocking it.



A sun catcher is a small reflective ornament that hangs in a window or other location where it can receive the sun. A suncatcher has the ability to transform any space with what can be likened to 'dancing rainbows'. Not only are suncatchers visually beautiful, but they are also a powerful energetic tool in spiritual rituals and Feng Shui.







Length approximately 10~11"


Healing Water Sun Catcher (癒しの水)

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